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PhD researchers: We generally recruit self-motivated and talented students working in AI, decision-making, reinforcement learning every year. If you are a prospective PhD student, thank you for your interest! Please apply through various CMU SCS PhD programs (ML, CS, RI). The lab can recruit students from all of these programs, with a slight preference towards CS and ML. Please do not email Aviral or current students before the admissions, since the decisions are at made at the department level by a committee. If you are already admitted to a CMU PhD program and want to explore the possibility of working in the lab, please email Aviral with your resume and a short description of your interests.
MS and Undergraduate researchers: If you are a current MS or undergraduate student in SCS at CMU, and are interested in getting involved in our research, please apply to the lab using this form (this form requires a CMU login). We periodically update this form and check responses. We recruit undergraduate researchers at all class levels, though a background in AI and machine learning, as well as excellent grades, are preferred. We typically interview new undergraduate / MS researchers at the beginning of the semester but we might also interview students at other times.
Visitors and Post-Docs: If you are not a current CMU student, chances are that at least in academic year 2024-2025, we will likely not be able to support you for in-person visits. However, we might be able to support some remote collaborations. If you are interested in this option, please send over an email of what you are interested in along with a rough background to Prof. Kumar. We are not hiring postdoctoral fellows at this time.